
3 Reasons Why Dreams Are Valuable

Jul 18, 2023


Dreams are an important component of society, yet typically when you ask someone “what is your dream”, most people have to think about their response. Even after thinking it over, they struggle to come up with an answer.  In the previous blogs we discussed how to identify your innate strengths and how to discover your purpose, this blog is designed to jump start your creativity and inspire you to follow your dreams.

What is a Dream?

Everything you see in this world started as an idea inspired by a dream. I dare to say, when God created the world in seven days, His thoughtful plan started out as a dream to create life. Dreams are birthed from a place deep within.  “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward

Throughout history, dreams have inspired artists, inventors, writers, and thinkers to create extraordinary works of art, groundbreaking inventions, and innovative ideas. Dreams serve as a wellspring of inspiration, fueling the creative process and pushing the boundaries of what is conceivable. Whether vivid or vague, dreams tap into our subconscious and weave a tapestry of imagination that can awaken our inner genius.

Dreams are essential components of our existence, providing us with purpose, direction, and motivation to change our lives and those around us. They can serve as a driving force behind actions taken and decisions made, shaping lives and our environment. Dreams can serve as the cornerstone for personal and societal advancement; whether that means personal ambition, professional goals, or visions for change. Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream was shared in his well-known speech that ignited the Civil Rights movement and is still shaping change today.

Similar to innate gifts and purpose, your dream is unique to you. A dream is a wish your heart makes.

Benefits of Having a Dream:

Having a dream is essential for personal development, determination, and fulfillment. From inspiring passion and resilience to encouraging innovation and progress, dreams have the power to transform lives with long-lasting effects.

Dreams serve as the driving force of life, dreaming can set a path and give direction for your life’s journey. They provide us with motivation through life’s challenging journey and serve as aspirational goals or desired outcomes that inspire us to keep pushing through even when faced with difficulties and setbacks. Dreams give us something exciting and worthwhile to look forward to and give life purpose.

Dreams provide us with an opportunity for personal growth and development. Dreams often necessitate new skills, emotional maturity, resilience and changes in attitudes. Every incremental step taken toward our dreams serves as a milestone on the road to self-discovery.

Dreams can also leave a legacy. Achieving dreams that positively affect society can create long-term benefits to others and inspire others to pursue their dreams too. From inventors and explorers to artists and statesmen, those who have pursued their goals have left legacies that outlive them; dreams don’t just transform individuals but transform society as well.

Dreams have the ability to motivate and inspire those around us, creating an effective network of individuals striving for greatness. When we have an unwavering vision of what we wish to achieve, it has an immediate and powerful ripple effect. By sharing our dreams and being sources of encouragement to others, we create an effective network that inspires change.

Dreams allow us to imagine a better future and unlock our true potential, driving passion and determination towards achievement. Dreams have the power to bring about positive change in the world, as evidenced by history’s many individuals who had an idea and worked tirelessly towards realizing it – from inventors and scientists like the Wright Brothers, human rights activists and social reformers like Dr. Martin Luther King all have used dreams as vehicles of transformation in shaping human history and making revolutionary advancements possible.

Discovering Your Dream:

Today’s world is full of distractions. From the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep we are constantly plugged into devices. Our body tells us when we need to eat, rest, or if something is wrong- when we experience pain. The heart speaks to us as well but it is a small whisper, it can even speak in the form of agitation.  The first step is to get still enough to hear your heart’s desire. Some use meditation, some are inspired in their morning shower, some take walks or surround themselves in nature.

Man meditating

  1. Pay attention to your thoughts. Keep pencil and paper by your bedside. Often inspiration comes to us when we sleep and are awakened with inspiration in our mind and heart. Practice journaling- pick a day and time that you consistently write thoughts that come to your mind. Notice common themes and thoughts, this is your heart speaking to you.

Man journaling

2. As you contemplate themes, pay particular attention to how your body responds to the information. Does the thought bring you joy or tension somewhere in your body? Thoughts that consistently bring you joy are more in line with your heart. If you sense frustration and worry, most likely something is off. Journaling and meditation will open the door to clarification and point you in the right direction.

3. Don’t think about barriers like how are you going to afford your dream, etc. Instead start with the end in mind. In other words identify the dream (outcome) then list the steps necessary to lead you to your dream. Dreaming should not only be fantasy inducing but should have set intention and a plan to move you toward your goal.

4. Develop a Mastermind Team. These are people who have the knowledge, skills, and ability needed to move you toward your goal. Build upon the strengths of others. In addition, it’s important to select members who believe in your dream, are determined to accomplish what they set out to do, and will work in harmony with you to create synergy. Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.

5. Anticipate reaching your goal- visualize yourself living your dream. Be intentional about seeing and celebrating small successes along the way. Use positive self-talk. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, turn those thoughts to positive ones. Have faith in your ability to succeed. Faith is the substance of things hoped for but not yet seen. Your thoughts become your reality.

6. Have disciplined planning and an unyielding determination to succeed. If you are practicing the above and you believe your dream is still in line with your heart, do not give up! Keep moving forward!

The steps above will help to reveal your dream. Listen to your heart. The more you practice these skills the sharper you will become in being in harmony with your heart-inner guide.

Free Dream Big Work Hard illustration and picture


Dreams bring great fulfillment in life. Achieving your dreams brings about a sense of joy and contentment.  Dreams serve many functions in our lives, providing motivation and direction as well as satisfying us emotionally and mentally. They stimulate self-improvement, foster growth and satisfaction for the individual as well as others.

Dreams aren’t mere indulgence; they’re an integral component of being human. Dreams give us hope, purpose, and the motivation needed to strive towards greatness. Dreams can transform lives and leave a positive mark upon the world around us. Dream big, believe in yourself, and never stop searching for what lights up your soul!

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